Results for 'Karina Marie Ash'

938 found
  1.  27
    Sandra Lindemann Summers, Ogling Ladies: Scopophilia in Medieval German Literature. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2013. Pp. x, 174; 5 black-and-white figures. $49.95. ISBN: 978-0-8130-4418-7. [REVIEW]Karina Marie Ash - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):835-836.
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    Land Use Laws and Access to Tobacco, Alcohol, and Fast Food.Marice Ashe, Lisa M. Feldstein, Mary M. Lee & Montrece McNeill Ransom - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (S4):60-62.
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    The Virgin Mary Connection: Reflecting on Feminism and Northern Irish Politics.Fidelma Ashe - 2006 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 9 (4):573-588.
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    Accommodation of ash scattering in contemporary Norwegian governance of death and religion/worldview.Ida Marie Høeg - 2023 - Approaching Religion 13 (1):54-72.
    With the analysis of the scattering ashes in a Norwegian context as its point of departure, the article sets out to explore ash scattering and how it relates to the governance of deathscape and religion/worldview in the public space. Referring to ethnographic study, the focus is on the bereaved and the deceased in the governance process for ash scattering and on critically rethinking the governance of ash scattering from the private actors’ experiences. I argue that ash scattering is in the (...)
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    The Virgin Mary Complex: Feminism and Northern Ireland Politics.Fidelma Ashe - 2006 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 9 (4):147-164.
  6. The Strange Death of Patroklos.Marie-Christine Leclerc & Jennifer Curtiss Gage - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (181):95-100.
    The account of the death of Patroklos occupies a strategic position in the narrative economy of the Iliad: before this event, Achilles has withdrawn from combat out of indignation against Agamemnon; afterwards, his anger turns against Hector, whom he holds responsible for his friend's death. Achilles returns to battle and kills Hector in an act of vengeance that, as we have known from the beginning of the poem, will lead to his own demise, which is not actually recounted in the (...)
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    The Silenced Speak: Hannah, Mary, and Global Poverty1.Gale A. Yee - 2012 - Feminist Theology 21 (1):40-57.
    Three of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to eradicate poverty are very much inter-related: ‘Promote gender equality and empower women,’ ‘Reduce child mortality,’ and ‘Improve maternal health.’ Although the biblical text has often been used to subordinate and oppress women, it can be a resource to empower women who live and give birth in conditions of grinding poverty. Put in the mouths of pregnant women, the Song of Hannah and Mary’s Magnificat envision a reversal of hierarchies, in which ‘The (...)
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    Computable structures and the hyperarithmetical hierarchy.C. J. Ash - 2000 - New York: Elsevier. Edited by J. Knight.
    This book describes a program of research in computable structure theory. The goal is to find definability conditions corresponding to bounds on complexity which persist under isomorphism. The results apply to familiar kinds of structures (groups, fields, vector spaces, linear orderings Boolean algebras, Abelian p-groups, models of arithmetic). There are many interesting results already, but there are also many natural questions still to be answered. The book is self-contained in that it includes necessary background material from recursion theory (ordinal notations, (...)
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  9. Le dévoilement de soi dans la recherche d’aide et le suivi dans les services de santé mentale et psychiatrie.Marie-Claude Jacques - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):102-111.
    Patient self-disclosure is essential to the work of health professionals, and this is even more critical in mental health where speech is a reflection of the content of thought. Self-disclosure is then about invisible symptoms that are associated with health problems where discrimination and stigmatization are still very prevalent. This article explores the ethical issues of this phenomenon which has received very little study. Disclosure as a decision-making, interpersonal, dynamic and complex process will be defined and deepened with the help (...)
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    La noblesse de l’avocat à Rome selon Pline le Jeune.Marie Yschard - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):63-75.
    La correspondance de Pline le Jeune, publiée au II e siècle de notre ère, regorge de références à la mission de l’avocat. Bien que l’activité d’avocat ne soit pas la seule exercée par l’auteur, elle occupe une partie très importante de son temps, comme il le reconnaît lui-même, et remplit une fonction essentielle au sein de la société romaine. En assurant la défense des droits des femmes et des hommes qui le sollicitent, l’avocat s’assure de placer la justice et le (...)
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    Generic copies of countable structures.Chris Ash, Julia Knight, Mark Manasse & Theodore Slaman - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 42 (3):195-205.
  12.  9
    Libertés et savoirs du corps à la Renaissance.Marie-Madeleine Fontaine - 1975 - Caen: Paradigme.
    Collection of previously published material, 1975-1993.
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    What is a Child?Marie-Louise Friquegnon - 1997 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 13 (1):12-16.
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  14. The BBC's corporate cosmopolitanism : the diasporic voice between empire and Cold War.Marie Gillespie & Eva Nieto McAvoy - 2018 - In Dina Gusejnova, Cosmopolitanism in conflict: imperial encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  15.  29
    Le non-droit, l’état d’exception et l’incertitude juridique comme outils de domination politique.Marie Goupy - 2018 - Astérion 19 (19).
    This paper aims to confront two notions that have acquired a particular importance in contemporary reflections on the law: the notion of “un-law” (“Unrecht” or “non-droit”), that was constructed after the second WW in order to think about the specific nature of “Nazi law”; and the notion of “state of exception” (“Ausnahmezustand” or “état d’exception”), which is now commonly tied up with the idea of juridical anomie. This confrontation extends the analysis that is especially exposed by the very concept of (...)
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    Henri de Lubac et Maurice Blondel : une rencontre entre philosophie et théologie.Marie-Gabrielle Lemaire - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1593-1616.
    Maurice Blondel’s philosophy has had a decisive influence on the theology of Henri de Lubac, but more than an influence, it goes of an encounter and a dialogue between two great Catholic thinkers. This article proposes, over the course of successive encounters and collaborations between Blondel and Lubac, a presentation of Lubac’s reflection in that it extends Blondel’s critique of extrinsicity to the field of theology. This friendship between Lubac and Blondel testifies to the inherent character of the mystical question (...)
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    Expressives and identity conditions.Christopher Potts, Ash Asudeh, Yurie Hara, Eric McCready, Martin Walkow, Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Rajesh Bhatt, Christopher Davis, Angelika Kratzer & Tom Roeper - 2009 - Linguistic Inquiry 40 (2):356-366.
    We present diverse evidence for the claim of Pullum and Rawlins (2007) that expressives behave differently from descriptives in constructions that enforce a particular kind of semantic identity between elements. Our data are drawn from a wide variety of languages and construction types, and they point uniformly to a basic linguistic distinction between descriptive content and expressive content (Kaplan 1999; Potts 2007).
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    Discours de la logique et logique du discours.Marie Jeanne Borel - 1978 - Lausanne: L'age D'homme.
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  19. Depression and the Social Bond.Marie-Jean Sauret, Pascale Macary-Garipuy & John Holland - 2008 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 14:171.
    The number of depressed people has been increasing regularly. This increase is clearly aggravated by psycho-pharmacological factors. Psychoanalysts have encountered difficulties with a new type of patient for whom neurotic solutions do not work. For this reason, a new evaluation of the psycho-conception of the subject, melancholy and distress, and the social link is needed: this new evaluation allows us to define the nature of the relation between depression and society, and to plan a more effective clinical response.
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  20. Comic laughter.Marie Taylor Swabey - 1961 - [Hamden, Conn.]: Archon Books.
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  21.  36
    (In)stable Boundaries–towards Adaptive Architecture: Interrelated Changes in Architecture, Atmosphere and Human Experience.Marie Ulber, Mona Mahall & Asli Serbest - 2020 - Environment, Space, Place 12 (1):110-128.
    Abstract:Adaptive architecture has been investigated in its functional as well as technological capacities and potentials to respond to changing environmental conditions as well as user interactions – from kinetic façades to variable interiors. Yet, its dynamic aesthetics of various spatial, visual, and auditive states require further exploration, especially in relation to occupant perception and experience. We propose the phenomenological concept of atmospheres as a lens through which the aesthetics of adaptive architecture can be observed as fundamentally relational: as co-constituted by (...)
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    La morale au crible des religions.Marie-Thérèse Urvoy (ed.) - 2013 - Versailles: Éditions de Paris.
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    Stability of recursive structures in arithmetical degrees.C. J. Ash - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32:113-135.
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    DEBARDIEUX, Éric, La violence dans la classeDEBARDIEUX, Éric, La violence dans la classe.Marie-France Daniel - 1992 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 48 (2):301-302.
  25. P. de La Tour du Pin.du Bois Jeanne-Marie - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Linking Place and Mind: Localness As a Factor in Socio-Cognitive Salience.Marie M. Jensen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Apriori Concepts.Marie-Luise Kalsi - 1995 - Southwest Philosophy Review 11 (1):1-14.
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    Barry stroud; understanding and practice.Marie McGinn - 2002 - Philosophical Investigations 25 (2):190–200.
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    The Virgilian cento progne et philomela (anth. Lat. 13 r): Towards a solution for a mythological Riddle.Marie Okáčová - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):856-865.
    This paper deals with the 24-line mythological epyllion Progne et Philomela, an anonymous Virgilian cento of presumed North African origin, which is usually dated to the fourth or fifth century and is marked by considerable obscurity. The aim is to shed some light on the most intriguing parts of this elliptical retelling of the given myth, in particular the puzzling network of family relationships and the extended talking-blood metaphor. Offering a new perspective on the text, the author claims that its (...)
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  30. Entrée: Ambrosius Victor.Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau, The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes.
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  31. Au cœur de l'existence, la souffrance ?Marie-josé Pernin, Arthur Schopenhauer & Franco Volpi - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (3):377-380.
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    Commentary: Stimulation of the Posterior Cingulate Cortex Impairs Episodic Memory Encoding.Marie-Lucie Read & Rikki Lissaman - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:570878.
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    Florence Binard, Marc Calvini-Lefebvre & Guyonne Leduc (dir.), Femmes, sexe, ge.Marie Ruiz - 2018 - Clio 48.
    L’objectif de cet ouvrage collectif original est de mettre en lumière les processus d’invisibilisation et de stigmatisation des femmes et des minorités sexuelles, mais aussi leurs résistances et leurs combats. La taxinomie sexuelle binaire fondée sur l’opposition masculin/féminin est ici enrichie d’études novatrices sur les vêtements, les sexualités et les combats contre les discours dominants générateurs de stigmates et d’invisibilité. L’ouvrage, dont la préface de Michel Prum fait office d’...
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  34. For What Are Persons with Disabilities Responsible For? The Study of Public, Social and Family Responsibilities in the Context of Locomotor Disability (Cape Flats, South Africa).Marie Schnitzler - 2019 - In Benjamin Rubbers & Alessandro Jedlowski, Regimes of responsibility in Africa: genealogies, rationalities and conflicts. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Adèle de Sénange (1794) et sa réception.Marie-France Silver - 1995 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 14:119.
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    Pairs of recursive structures.C. J. Ash & J. F. Knight - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 46 (3):211-234.
  37.  4
    Stories about teaching, learning, and resilience: no need to be an island.Stephen Piscitelli - 2017 - Atlantic Beach, FL: The Growth and Resilience Network.
    You can find countless books dedicated to student success and resilience. But what about the faculty? What do we do to help college faculty cultivate their professional and personal growth and resilience? During more than three decades as a teacher and workshop facilitator, Steve Piscitelli noticed that many educators can become isolated from their colleagues and their larger institutional culture. They become "islands" disconnected from the potential power of the teaching and learning community. That isolation can affect teaching efficacy and (...)
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  38.  21
    Aristotle on Paideia of Principles.Marie I. George - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:140-145.
    Aristotle maintains that paideia enables one to judge the method used by a given speaker without judging the conclusions drawn as well. He contends that this "paideia of principles" requires three things: seeing that principles are not derived from one another; seeing that there is nothing before them within reason; and, seeing that they are the source of much knowledge. In order to grasp these principles, one must respectively learn to recognize what distinguishes the subject matters studied in different disciplines, (...)
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  39. Qu'est-ce qui donne d'être juif?Marie-Thérèse Huguet - 2008 - Nova et Vetera 83 (1):77-84.
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  40. Considérations théologiques sur l'embryon humain.Frère Stephane-Marie - 1986 - Nova et Vetera 61 (3):106-121.
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    Categoricity in hyperarithmetical degrees.C. J. Ash - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34 (1):1-14.
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    Argumentation mining: How can a machine acquire common sense and world knowledge?Marie-Francine Moens - 2018 - Argument and Computation 9 (1):1-14.
    Argumentation mining is an advanced form of human language understanding by the machine. This is a challenging task for a machine. When sufficient explicit discourse markers are present in the lang...
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    Les 'Principia Mathematica'.Marie-Françoise Biarnais - 1988 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 86 (4):440-466.
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    Le Cynosarges, Antiochos et les tanneurs. Questions de topographie.Marie-Françoise Billot - 1992 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 116 (1):119-156.
    D'après les textes anciens, la région dite Cynosarges, sur le territoire du dème des Dioméia ou Diomeis de la tribu Aigèis (II), peut commencer au Sud du rempart d'époque classique et doit comprendre une partie de la chaîne de collines qui s'étend du Sud-Est au Sud/ Sud-Ouest de l'Olympiéion, sur la rive gauche de l'Ilissos; le gymnase de Cynosarges était proche du rempart. Les Dioméia jouxtent au Nord le dème urbain de Collytos auquel ils sont liés par le culte d'Héraclès, (...)
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    Ética, sustentabilidade e sociedade: desafios da nossa era.Marie Agnes Chauvel, Marcos Cohen & Alessandra de Mello da Costa (eds.) - 2009 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Mauad X.
    'Ética, sustentabilidade e sociedade - desafios da nossa era' reúne estudos de diferentes áreas do conhecimento - Filosofia, Administração, Geografia - que tem em comum o foco nas questões éticas, como a corrupção no meio político e a crise ambiental planetária. Entre a violação à ética na política brasileira e o desafio de sobrevivência do planeta, variados temas são discutidos. Os pesquisadores também se defrontam com outras vertentes comportamentais, como as relacionadas ao ambiente e ao consumo sustentável.
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    The Freud Scenario.
    A Sartrian Freud. A Freudian Sartre?
    Marie-Andrée Charbonneau - 2007 - Sartre Studies International 13 (2):86-112.
  47. Beigbeder's evil personae in Windows on the world : authorial ethics and 9/11.Marie-Christine Clemente - 2011 - In Scott M. Powers, Evil in contemporary French and francophone literature. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Les dialogues de Platon: entre tragédie, comédie et drame satyrique.Marie-Laurence Desclos - 2020 - Grenoble: Jérôme Millon.
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    Quelle(s) phénoménologie(s) pour l’éthique?Marie-Hélène Desmeules - 2021 - Symposium 25 (1):60-82.
    L’apport de la phénoménologie allemande à l’éthique a souvent été réduit aux intentionnalités et aux vécus axiologiques et affectifs, tels qu’ils furent décrits par Husserl. Or, cet apport est limité du fait que Husserl définissait d’abord l’intentionnalité comme un rapport à un objet dont nous sommes conscients. Dans ce qui suit, nous proposons d’emprunter une autre voie pour penser l’apport de la phénoménologie à l’éthique, en étudiant la phénoménologie des actes sociaux que les phénoménologues munichois développèrent en réponse à la (...)
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    Être parent en prison, une incarcération de la parentalité.Marie Douris - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):27-40.
    D’ordre public, la fonction parentale doit servir à promouvoir l’intérêt du mineur. Les parents, même incarcérés, ne peuvent pas déroger à leur autorité. Si, dans les dispositions légales, aucun texte ne prévoit ipso facto la modification de l’exercice de l’autorité parentale en raison de l’incarcération, dans les faits, la situation de détention d’un parent produit des effets sur la fonction parentale. À partir d’une recherche interdisciplinaire (droit et psychologie) menée en France dans trois établissements pénitentiaires, les données quantitatives et qualitatives (...)
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